Astrology + Flower Essences Webinar via Astrology University


Flower essences are natural remedies that work energetically to restore mental and emotional balance. Since various flower essences accord with different psycho-emotional constitutions, they can be powerful healing agents to use in conjunction with astrology.

In this webinar, I will teach you an astrological approach to using flower essences, a dedicated area of focus for my work for over a decade. After an overview explaining what flower essences are, how they are made, and their history of use, I will share with you remedies that can be used in accordance with:

* The twelve zodiac signs
* Numerous outer planet transits
* Events in the kairos, such as the retrograde cycles of Mercury, Venus, and Mars

You will also learn the various ways you can use flower essences, including making custom formulas.

Both inspiring and practical, this lecture will give you access to a cornucopia of insights that will help your well-being, as well as that of your clients, to blossom.

You do not need to be present for the live event. You will get a copy of the complete webinar recordings.

Date: Saturday, September 19, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM Pacific Time 
Running Time: Approximately 90 min.
$25 (before September 17, $30 thereafter)

I’m thrilled to be offering this webinar on astrology and flower essences through Astrology University. It is a topic that I’ve been exploring for more than 14 years, first writing about it in my book Planetary Apothecary; it is also a subject included in my upcoming book The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care.

Register for the class on the Astrology University website.

Stephanie Gailing