Stellar Insights: January 18 - 24, 2021
Photo by Siora Photography via Unsplash
Mars has been on our minds for a while now. The warrior planet had taken up extended residence in Aries, owing to its recent retrograde cycle (which seems like it was interminable, but is now a few months in our rearview mirror). It spent six-plus month in this sparking-will sign, rather than the two-plus it usually does. Through this time, we got a deep-dive lesson into the theme of the warrior: what we want to fight for, how we do so, and how to deal with any arising anger that emerges when we feel our will is frustrated.
Mars’ last full day in Aries was on January 6, a day now famous for the infamous storming of the U.S. Capitol. The next day it plodded into headstrong Taurus, where it will lounge until March 3. Through this sign sojourn, it makes some quite provocative connections to other planets. Last Wednesday, on January 13, we had the Mars/Saturn Square, an alignment that often reflects a stand-off between action and discipline, just as much as it mirrors the application of constraints and the rule of law to someone’s pursuits.
Now here we are this week, and Mars again is in the spotlight, notably on the day of the U.S. Presidential Inauguration. That’s because on Wednesday, January 20, Mars unites with revolutionary Uranus.
A Mars/Uranus Conjunction can reflect explosive energy, actions that catch us off guard, untraditional movements, rebellious pursuits, amplified chaos, and unpredictable battles. It can just as likely also reflect an elevation of anxious energy, the anticipation of things occurring that we can’t define or control, which may or may not even manifest. On the heels of this, we have the Mars/Jupiter Square on Saturday, which may reflect a desire to expand beyond one’s limits, which could lead to actions that go overboard if consciousness is not present.
This does seem to mirror what the U.S. is moving through right now and all the concern surrounding the Inauguration. Hopefully, the surprise will be that everything goes smoothly and that peace prevails this week (and onward).
Beside from what may be happening on the political stage—which cannot really be separated from what we are experiencing since we are all global citizens—let’s reflect upon some ways that this may manifest for us personally.
With the Mars/Uranus Conjunction, we could find ourselves buzzing with energy, teaming with an electrical feeling that could be stimulating, or alternatively feel as if it’s anxiety stirring. We may find that we want to pursue a road-less-traveled, blasting off on a course that’s different than our usual go-to.
As short fuses may be in vogue, do what you can to not lose your patience when you feel that it would cause a destructive, rather than constructive, disruption. Use this time to look at your desires, pursuits, strategies, and game plans from a different perspective, seeing if there’s a way to apply an innovative angle to your tried and true, so that it can catalyze breakthroughs that will help you feel more free, creative, and aligned with your yourself and who you truly are.
Make sure to move this week and circulate the energy that may be coursing through you so as to tamp down any excessive edginess you’re feeling. Don’t underestimate the value of a stroll around the block to help return you to a more centered feeling. And take breaks from your computer frequently, if even to just make a cup of tea, do a few Sun Salutations, and say Hi to your housemates. And, as always, if that buzzing feeling needs a salve, pull out your Rescue Remedy or Five-Flowers Formula flower essence blend for some stress-relief support.
All my best,
PS. For those of you who like to track patterns, the Sun on Wednesday will be at the same spot as Jupiter and Saturn were on December 21 during the Great Conjunction. For this reason, it feels like the Inauguration day is so connected, even more than it usually would, to a significant new chapter in societal history that is being ushered in. (And while this isn’t astrological per se, I can’t help but think of the connection of the numbers between those two dates – 12/21/20 and 1/20/21, fwiw.)
Astrological Highlights
January 19
Sun enters Aquarius
January 20
Mars/Uranus Conjunction
January 23
Mars/Jupiter Square
Venus/Neptune Sextile
Sun/Saturn Conjunction
All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)