Illumination: Monthly Full Moon Gathering



Accessing Full Moon Wisdom

with astrologer Stephanie Gailing and mindfulness guide Ashley Dahl

By aligning with the rhythms of the natural world we can enhance our well-being and live life with greater purpose and awareness. One way to feel in flow with this universal intelligence is by attuning to the Full Moon, witnessing and connecting with the unique inspirations that these lunations offer us every month.

Accessing Full Moon wisdom is at the heart of Illumination, a monthly online gathering (via Zoom) that marries astrology with self-care and mindfulness practices, which I will co-facilitate with Ashley Dahl of OpenSpace Mindfulness.

Each month, you’ll discover the unique energies of the current Full Moon as they inform the astrological landscape, including its signature lessons and what it is inviting us to embrace. Then through gentle, contemplative practices, you will learn how to embody these energies and ways to skillfully cultivate and steward them in your daily life. In addition to insights that will allow you to move through life with more presence and purpose, you’ll discover practical self-care strategies that will bolster your vitality.

Before each 90-minute Illumination online gathering, we will share reflection questions that will help you open to what we will be exploring. Afterwards, you will be able to access journaling prompts that will foster integration of what you learned. The audio recording of the gathering is also included with your registration.

Ashley and I look forward to exploring the wisdom of the Full Moon together with you.

Upcoming Gathering

January 5, 2023: Embracing Emotional Responsibility (Cancer Full Moon)

In the first Illumination we will explore the wisdom of the Cancer Full Moon. We will discuss its invitation to balance our personal and professional lives as well as how with Mercury retrograde connecting to the lunation, it’s a time in which we can learn new ways to integrate emotional awareness. We’ll then explore what it’s like to embody balanced and compassionate awareness through contemplative reflection and meditation. In doing so, we’ll strengthen our capacity to transform these lunar insights into lived experience. 7 - 8:30 pm PST.

Register for the January Illumination here.

Save the Date
February 5, 2023: Shining Your Light for the Collective (Leo Full Moon)

March 6, 2023: Grounding Your Intuition (Virgo Full Moon)

Stephanie Gailing