Stellar Insights: December 5 - 11, 2022


Photo by Casey Horner via Unsplash

As I shared last week, Neptune ended its current retrograde cycle on Saturday. Should you have found yourself in the past few days feeling inundated by confusion or seemingly pulled out to sea by an undertow of emotions, my hope is that you are beginning to find yourself steeped in greater clarity and a sense of grounding. As the planet of diffusion begins to move forward at a faster clip, we can further tap into Neptune’s inspiration and soulfulness without feeling flooded and/or disoriented by the boundary blurring that it often encourages.

On Wednesday, we have the yearly Gemini Full Moon, one in which we focus on discovering new ways to communicate larger concepts; sourcing information resources that helps us weave together large-scale understanding; and finding local outlets that give us proximity to cross-cultural richness.

Yet, this year’s lunation features a striking quality, in that it involves retrograde Mars, which unites with the Moon and opposes the Sun. Therefore, it’s going to be important to use our energy very consciously this week.

Instead of just jumping right in, only to realize you’re in the center of the fray, be thoughtful about which battles you want to fight and how you want to do so. Honor the prizes that the past can bring, notably as related to the wisdom that comes with experience; for example, if you know that your default strategy to address a certain situation really doesn’t help you make headway in the manner you like, instead of reflexively adopting it, try a different tact.

How to discover that other approach? Go slow. Give yourself space. Move at a more luxurious pace, knowing that in the pauses you can discover feedback that will help you to refine your game plan so that it yields a more creative, and fruitful, outcome.

This Mars-infused Full Moon calls for action and movement, beckoning us to attune to our energy sources and shift our positions. Yet, instead of waiting for a situation to arise in which you may need to propel yourself so you can defend your stance, find outlets that will have you feel energized and galvanized by the lived experience of seeing how you can assert yourself to proactively bring a new creation to light.

Another thing to watch, given retrograde Mars uniting with the Gemini Moon, is the propensity for overthinking and mental-merry-go-rounding. Our minds may feel so supercharged that it could feel that we may blow a proverbial fuse, whether from the exhaustion that comes via mental fatigue, or just the stress that this can yield. If you’re feeling into that potential, and you like using flower essences, White Chestnut can be a great elixir to help release repetitive thoughts while encouraging mental tranquility.

One last note about this Full Moon. Given the Mars tie-in and its catalyzing influence, conscious action feels quite important. As such, I thought to share some of the Action Items that I included in the Full Moon chapter of my book, The Complete Guide to Living by the Moon, in the hopes that they may help you further align with the promise and potential of this week:

  • See what’s emerging, revel in accomplishments, honor disappointments, recognize shadows, work through conflicts, and synthesize opposites.

Additionally, here are some of the Stellar Reflections I included for the Gemini Full Moon in my book, The Astrological Self-Care Journal. I share in case you wanted some journalling prompts to work with this week.

  • How do I know when something is true?

  • What’s my go-to resource for gathering new information?

  • What’s the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

Wishing you an illuminating week,


Astrological Highlights

  • December 6: Mercury/Jupiter Square; Mercury enters Capricorn

  • December 7: Gemini Full Moon

  • December 8: Sun/Mars Opposition

  • December 9: Venus/Jupiter Square; Venus enters Capricorn

All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)