Stellar Insights: February 28 - March 6, 2022


Photo by Aleksandr Eremin via Unsplash

Things feel really intense right now and the astrology of the week reflects that. Remember that if you’re feeling emotions like grief, terror, sorrow, rage, or the like, that you are not alone. Do what you need to nourish yourself. And remember the sweetness and strength that comes from community. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with others, and being there to listen to theirs, can be empowering, nurturing, forge deep connections, and possibly lead to ideas of how to take action should that feel aligned (plus it can also give us a much needed break if your stress go-to involves excessive doom scrolling).

While I don’t often speak about tarot in my weekly Stellar Insights, I did want to begin by giving a nod to a major arcana card, that of The Emperor.

In the March episode of So Divine!, Megan Skinner notes how owing to both this week’s Mars/Pluto Conjunction and the Sun shifting into Aries on March 20, the Emperor card can give us great guidance this month. That really struck me, notably as the idea of Emperor is on our minds given the shadow of Vladimir Putin looming large in the world after his relentless and unilateral decision to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine and the terrifying consequences that that is having. As nations respond in kind, we are all looking to different heads of states to see how world leaders—including the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy--are responding. For many, it’s not just a focus on what those in power are doing now but also what they have done in the past. 

With the Emperor archetype looming large, I keep on thinking about how important it may be for all of us to connect to it, as it may give us grounding, understanding, and perhaps a greater sense of steady state. Reflecting the Jungian psychology perspective of shadow projection, I’ve been thinking about how it could possibly be individually and collectively healing on some level to connect to the archetype, ny owning it and integrating it within ourselves. As such, I wanted to share what Megan writes about it in the guidebook that accompanies her Couture Tarot cards in case this would give you some solace, empowerment and healing insights. (Learn more about the Couture Tarot cards here.) 

The Emperor indicates empowerment, a time when you’re fully realizing your personal power in the world. this is especially true career-wise, as you are building important foundations for the future. The Emperor is a born leader, confident and self-assured. As a result, others look to him for leadership. Yet, the mantel of authority can be a heavy crown, for it also brings responsibility. This is a time when you are considering how you wield your power in the world. when out of balance, the Emperor becomes a dictator, a negative authority figure. Keep you ego in check and conquer your future with a benevolent heart. 

If you’d like to hear Megan’s reflections on the Emperor card as well as gain stellar insights into March, listen to the latest episode of So Divine!, which you can find here or wherever you stream your podcasts. 

One of the focuses of our attention this week, astrologically speaking, involves Venus and Mars. On Thursday, both unite with power-play Pluto, an energetic I’d assert we’ve already been feeling strongly over the last week. Mars and Pluto coming together can be quite explosive, as we have the warrior planet (Mars) connecting to the planet that’s connected to survival and life/death (Pluto). And while Mars/Pluto can make us tremble, and feel out of control, I think we can also personally channel it constructively: look to your life—whether structures you’ve built or the perspectives you hold—and see which ones have reached their expiration date and then channel your will to transform your life from the ground up. See what it is that truly aligns with your desires and find the courage to marshal your will to pursue those aims.

You may remember me speaking about how Venus, owing to its recent retrograde cycle, will make the third of three unions with Pluto on March 3 (the other two were in December). Well, here we are. Look back over the last several months at your values, and the way that you value yourself, and see what you’ve learned. What have you called BS on? What have you seen as antiquated and no longer serving you? What needs to be sloughed, exfoliated and/or purged from your orientation so that you can further align with the rich beauty that you are? This feels like a jewel that the Venus/Pluto Conjunction can offer us personally.

Then on Sunday, the lovers--Venus and Mars—both leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius where they unite. And with this, it seems like our appreciation for the community and our ability to channel our emotions through collective endeavors will be on an upswing. Whether it’s technology, logistics, science, future-forward solutions, societal progress and/or humanitarian concerns, Aquarian values and arenas will become a strong focus. (I’m also really interested in this alignment because it happens at the initial degree of Aquarius where the Great Conjunction—the once-every-twenty-year conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn—took place in December 2020. With this, it feels like what is occurring on these Aquarian levels this week offer insights into this new collective mini-epoch we’ve recently entered.)

But wait, there’s more…. 

Wednesday features a New Moon, and with that, there’s a sense of a fresh start and a new goal to initiate. As it’s in the sign of Pisces, our focus is emotional and compassionate. With the New Moon making a connection to Uranus, taking a different tact and trying out an innovative approach may be key to our progress. Additionally, the New Moon ties in Jupiter (which unites exactly with the Sun on Saturday). And with this, we may find ourselves feeling more limitless, an optimistic sense that everything is possible. Jupiter expands what it touches and so with that, things may appear bigger than they really are and/or people may want to expand their sphere and take up more space. 

Boundaries really seem to be a theme this week. After all, Pisces is not known for its discrete edges; it’s much more flowing and interconnected. And then there’s Jupiter. adding a feeling of largesse and a sense of “anything is possible.”

It seems like we can channel this in the pursuit of healing. Spend some time focusing upon the virtues of beauty, kindness, and love. Then envisioning the recipient of this energy--whether a certain person, group, or the world at large—in your mind’s eye, send them your compassion-based thoughts and feelings. It can’t hurt—and you never know how good intentions and the power of love can shift the world.


Be well.



Astrological Highlights

March 2

  • Sun/Uranus Sextile

  • New Moon

  • Mercury/Saturn Conjunction


March 3

  • Venus/Pluto Conjunction

  • Mars/Pluto Conjunction


March 5

  • Sun/Jupiter Conjunction


March 6

  • Venus enters Aquarius

  • Mars enters Aquarius

  • Venus/Mars Conjunction

All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (-5 hours GMT)