Posts tagged jupiter square pluto
The First 100 Days: Owning Your Power

Power and control.

Who has it? Who doesn't? What is it? What does a constructive use of it look like, and alternatively a destructive use? What does it feel like when we perceive we don't have it? And what are some ways to re-assert our claim to it?

These are some of the questions I've been reflecting upon recently, as I think about the face-the-depths Jupiter/Pluto Square that casts its hue in the archetypal landscape of this year. These questions also seem to be quite top-of-mind as I witness individual and collective fears and concerns stemming from the upcoming Presidential Inauguration.

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2017: The Year of Living Creatively + Stellar Tithings

Happy New Year!

The Year of Living Creatively is what I'm currently calling 2017.

That came to me as I was thinking about the major alignments that color this year including the Jupiter/Uranus Opposition, Jupiter/Pluto Square, and Saturn/Uranus Trine as well as the fact that the moving-forward North Node will be royally perched in self-expressive Leo beginning in May for the subsequent year-plus.

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Navigating the Holidays: An Astrological Perspective

The holidays are upon us.

And while on the surface the holidays are positioned as a time of cheer, merriment and celebration, for many people this time is a bit more intense and complex than that. After all, there's a lot to contend with: family and friend dynamics, connection to faith and religion, money and finances, social opportunities (and sometimes pressures), et al.

This year may be no different. And if the astrological climate is any indicator, this holiday season it may be even more intense and complex.

The reason?

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