Posts in astrology
2017: The Year of Living Creatively + Stellar Tithings

Happy New Year!

The Year of Living Creatively is what I'm currently calling 2017.

That came to me as I was thinking about the major alignments that color this year including the Jupiter/Uranus Opposition, Jupiter/Pluto Square, and Saturn/Uranus Trine as well as the fact that the moving-forward North Node will be royally perched in self-expressive Leo beginning in May for the subsequent year-plus.

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Capricorn New Moon

New Moons are auspicious monthly celestial events that usher in fresh cycles of creation and becoming. The Capricorn New Moon offers us a great opportunity to inventory how we spend our resources. It’s a notable time to balance a checkbook, survey investments, or consider an aspect of financial planning we’ve yet to fully explore.

Remember, though, our personal economy of resources is not just limited to our money but also includes our time, energy, and skills/talents, all of which comprise the capital that we can use to create a richer life. 

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Some Stellar Reflection Questions for This Week

How can my understanding expand through the pursuit of a path more uncommon, untraditional, and inventive than usual?

How can restlessness be a signal that there is a larger and more creative horizon to explore?

When I step back to gain to gain some distance from a situation, can I see that it features a vibrant order rather than the chaos that I had perceived was defining it?

These feel like some good Stellar Reflection Questions to consider this week with Jupiter opposing Uranus today and Uranus stationing direct on Thursday.

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Breaking Patterns: The Gift of this Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us. Tonight ushers in the first night of Hanukkah as well as Christmas Eve. Kwanzaa begins on Monday.

The holidays are a time of celebration. They offer us an opportunity to connect with loved ones, revered rituals, and the wellspring of our faith. And yet they can often bring in a cornucopia of stress. Whether it's the pressures of traveling, gift-giving concerns, indulging in too much food and drink and/or facing well-worn family dynamics, the holidays may sometimes seem to be tinseled with tension.

This year our experience of the holidays may be different.

I say this because this holiday season everything seems like it has a great potential to be different. After all, we've got Uranus—the planet of do-it-differently—as the star player over the coming days.

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Mercury Retrograde: December 19, 2016 - January 8, 2017

The current Mercury retrograde cycle spans December 19 - January 8.

Retrograde periods are times for reflection and heightened inner awareness. Since Mercury symbolizes communication, transport, the way we learn, our siblings, and our neighborhood, this period can yield great insights in these related areas of our life. Mercury Retrograde lasts about three weeks and occurs three to four times per year; the last one took place August 30 - September 21.

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Gemini Full Moon

This Full Moon features the Sun in Sagittarius opposing the Moon in Gemini. And with this, we may feel ourselves caught in a push-pull between stepping back to gain perspective and focusing in on the facts that make up the whole picture. Striking a balance is important: Remember not to lose the forest for the trees, and yet don’t forsake the trees for the forest either, as both are equally important.

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Sagittarius New Moon

New Moons are monthly celestial events that usher in fresh cycles of creation. This Sagittarius New Moon marks an auspicious time to undertake a new project that can help us forge a greater understanding of the world around us. Expanding our horizons to embrace a different philosophical perspective—even just trying it on for size temporarily—can be incredibly valuable and uplifting.

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Navigating the Holidays: An Astrological Perspective

The holidays are upon us.

And while on the surface the holidays are positioned as a time of cheer, merriment and celebration, for many people this time is a bit more intense and complex than that. After all, there's a lot to contend with: family and friend dynamics, connection to faith and religion, money and finances, social opportunities (and sometimes pressures), et al.

This year may be no different. And if the astrological climate is any indicator, this holiday season it may be even more intense and complex.

The reason?

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