Posts in astrology
Libra Full Moon: Balancing I, You + We

The Libra Full Moon calls upon us to integrate our desires with those of the people with whom we are in relationship. It can help us gain insight into whether our approach to accommodating our needs and those of others is a balanced one or whether the scale is tipped to one side. (For example, do we over accommodate others to the detriment of own needs, or vice versa?) Additionally, it’s an opportunity to inventory whether we are being our true selves when relating to others rather than being the person we think they want us to be.

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Aries New Moon: Marshaling Our Moxie

Since Aries and the New Moon both symbolize the ushering in of beginnings, this lunar event may have us feeling pulled towards initiating new things. For example, if you’re looking to kick off a diet or amp up your exercise regimen, the exuberance of palpable energy that the Aries New Moon affords may be a great motivator. Also, if you’ve wanted to tackle a problem but found yourself lacking in the moxie department, the Aries New Moon may give you an infusion of courage and daring that can help you persevere.

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Virgo Full Moon: Aligning the Literal and the Figurative

The Virgo Full Moon calls on us to acknowledge the literal and the figurative, the concrete and the diffuse. It's a time to recognize both the differences and the similarities that exist in a system. And while we may be drawn to classify and criticize, remembering that everything is connected—even if we can’t immediately perceive it—can yield a greater acceptance of self and others. With both Virgo and Pisces being signs connected to relieving dis-ease, this Full Moon provides an opportune time to focusing on healing imbalances in our physical bodies, notably through connection with the numinous through practices such as meditation, prayer, dreamwork, and our creative imagination.

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Venus Retrograde: March 4 - April 15, 2017

I love planetary retrograde cycles.


I feel that retrograde periods are times for reflection and heightened inner awareness.

They give us a time to pause, to slow down. The flow seems different; it feels like we are encouraged to orient from a more internal place when a planet—notably a personal planet like Mercury, Venus, or Mars—is in retrograde motion. Instead of being exceptionally active in doing, we may find ourselves drawn more towards a greater space of allowing.

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