During the Scorpio Full Moon, we experience the juxtaposition of the practical (Taurus, the sign of the Sun) and the emotional (Scorpio, the sign of the Moon). The interplay between these two signs helps us to forge an awareness that what we see—what has form—is reliant upon that which is unseen but deeply felt.
Read MoreThe Sun strolls through Taurus April 19 through May 20. During Taurus season, we are embraced by a sense of wanting to experience life through our senses. Pleasure becomes us, and we find it through sensually stimulating experiences—through touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight—that leave us feeling alive and turned on.
Read MoreSince Aries and the New Moon both symbolize the ushering in of beginnings, this lunar event may have us feeling pulled towards initiating new things. For example, if you’re looking to kick off a diet or amp up your exercise regimen, the exuberance of palpable energy that the Aries New Moon affords may be a great motivator. Also, if you’ve wanted to tackle a problem but found yourself lacking in the moxie department, the Aries New Moon may give you an infusion of courage and daring that can help you persevere.
Read MoreThe Libra Full Moon calls upon us to integrate our desires with those of the people with whom we are in relationship. It can help us gain insight into whether our approach to accommodating our needs and those of others is a balanced one or whether the scale is tipped to one side. (For example, do we over accommodate others to the detriment of own needs, or vice versa?) Additionally, it’s an opportunity to inventory whether we are being our true selves when relating to others rather than being the person we think they want us to be.
Read MoreThe current Mercury retrograde cycle spans March 22 - April 15.
Retrograde periods are times for reflection and heightened inner awareness. When you think of how to approach this period, just remember the first two letters of the word retrograde—“re”—and apply it to the activities you undertake. As such, Mercury Retrograde periods are a great time to reassess, review, reanalyze, revisit, rethink, re-edit, and recommunicate. Looking at it through this lens, you will begin to see how this time period can actually yield great benefit as you can discover things that you may not have previously seen, things that allow you to refine the integrity of your creativity and communications.
Read MoreDuring a Pisces New Moon, we can initiate new ways in which we can dive into our well of compassion, our artistic nature, and our knowingness that we are a reflection of and connected to everything. We may open into that Piscean space where boundaries disappear and empathy flows.
Read MoreGain stellar insights into March with my latest wellness horoscopes on The Fold and the newest episode of the So Divine! podcast I recorded with clairvoyant and tarot reader Megan Skinner.
Read MoreThe Virgo Full Moon calls on us to see both the differences and the similarities. While we may be drawn to classify and criticize, remembering that everything is connected—even if we can’t immediately perceive it—can yield a greater acceptance of self and others. This Full Moon provides an opportune time to focusing on healing imbalances in our physical bodies through meditation, prayer, dreamwork, and our creative imagination.
Read MoreThis month's Aquarius New Moon is actually a Solar Eclipse. Even if we can’t see a Solar Eclipse in the sky where we live, these celestial events are renowned for being very powerful in the way in which they can impact our lives. Oftentimes, life-changing events or reflections occur around the time of an Eclipse. Yet, remember that reflective of the word itself, things are often ‘eclipsed’ around the time of Eclipses. As such, you may find yourself feeling like there is a sea change in your life, that seeds are being planted, yet not clear what it will be that will bear fruit.
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