Astrology and Tarot for December 2022

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for December. They note that there are a lot of squares between planets, an aspect that may bring tension and the feeling of working at cross purposes. They discuss different ways to navigate this energy, including the importance of not giving into drama and how, with the right mindset, conflict can lead us to growth and evolution. They talk about the Gemini Full Moon, which aligns with retrograde Mars, bringing the possibility of confusion around communication and forward movement. They dig into Jupiter shifting into Aries and what this may mean for the collective zeitgeist. They discuss the Capricorn New Moon, occurring the same day as Chiron stations direct, and how this can yield healing when it comes to aligning generations. Stephanie pulls a tarot card at random, the Seven of Pentacles, and Megan explains how this archetype can help us learn about patience and planting our seeds for tomorrow. 

Stephanie Gailing