Astrology and Tarot for January 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie Gailing and Megan Skinner explore the celestial landscape for January. They start by noting that the New Year may get off to a slow start with both Mars (the planet of action) and Mercury (the planet of communication) retrograde. Yet, by mid-month, all planets will be in forward motion, which should facilitate more freedom of movement. They offer a caveat, however: with so much stored-up energy, even as Mars and Mercury shift direct, be conscious of your pace and watch the urge to not accelerate too quickly and get ahead of yourself. They also discuss Venus's move into Aquarius and how the love planet is quite active this month, dancing with power players Uranus, Saturn, and the Lunar Nodes. Additionally, they talk about the nurturing Cancer Full Moon and the altruism-heralding Aquarius New Moon. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random--the Death card--and Megan explains how this archetype can inspire us to let go and embrace transformation. 

Stephanie Gailing