Astrology and Tarot for July 2022

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for July. They begin by stepping back into June, describing how last month ended with a strong internal and watery vibe. The energies shift dramatically, however, on July 1st with an explosive Mars/Pluto Square. They discuss how this challenging alignment could activate the warrior within and bring deeper personal and collective conflicts to the surface. They talk about the strong Neptune and Cancerian elements occurring mid month, and how they may inspire our intuition and empathy, while also highlighting emotional intelligence. They discuss how the Sun/Pluto Opposition on July 19th may unearth old wounding, and how with Chiron stationing retrograde the same day, there could be the opportunity for healing and rewriting our old limiting stories. Megan discusses the tarot card for the month--the Chariot--and how this archetype reflects the Hero's Journey, while also inspiring us to act on our dreams.

Stephanie Gailing