Astrology and Tarot for August 2022

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for August, noting that with a strong Uranian influence it could be a time of breaking molds and exploring a "new normal." They talk about the triple conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node, all in Taurus, happening on the 1st, which could shake up how we view security while also illuminating a sense of destiny and collective soul purpose. They discuss the dramatic Aquarius Full Moon, the same day Venus enters Leo, and how with conflicting ties to Uranus, it could bring both surprises and higher insight. They talk about how the month wraps up on a tense note with a play-by-the rules Virgo New Moon squaring fierce, warrior planet Mars. In the spirit of Uranus and shaking things up, Stephanie chooses a Tarot card at random--the Page of Pentacles--and Megan discusses how this child-like archetype can inspire us to be open to change and explore all possibilities.

Stephanie Gailing