Astrology and Tarot for September 2022

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for September, beginning with Mercury Retrograde in Libra. They recall the opportunities that Mercury Retrograde offers, namely the power of "re"--as in regroup, recharge, reconnect, and reevaluate. They discuss the Vernal Equinox and how it ties into a unique, stellar conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, which may inspire themes of communication that galvanize the world stage. They also dig into the lunations for September--the Pisces Full Moon and Libra New Moon--and how at the end of the month we’re called to more deeply know what we value. Stephanie picks the tarot card for the month at random--the Three of Wands--and Megan talks about how this fiery archetype helps us learn the power of harnessing our energy.

Stephanie Gailing