Astrology and Tarot for May 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for May in which dark and steamy Pluto is a key player. They talk about how with the planet of the underworld stationing retrograde as the month begins, we may find ourselves intimately connected to such themes as the quest for control, secrets revealed, and emotional eruptions. Their discussion continues with the Jupiter/Pluto Square mid-month and how we need to synthesize an urge to expand with a compelling need to mine below the surface. They talk about how not only is it ok for things to get messy but it may also be what’s necessary for healing. They then explore the Mars/Pluto Opposition, and how with Mars in Leo, it’s important to be aware of the fears that hold us back from feeling seen, recognized, and appreciated. They discuss the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and how with an aspect to full-of-surprises Uranus, it’s important to not only attune to the core of your feelings but keep track of the unexpected and how it may inform you. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random, the Nine of Wands, and Megan explains how this archetype invites us to protect ourselves and our truth without getting into power plays. 

Stephanie Gailing