Astrology and Tarot for June 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for June, noting that this month may feel less extreme than May given that we’re no longer in the midst of the intense Eclipse Season. They discuss the Sagittarius Full Moon, which starts the month with a fun, expansive, and socially conscious vibe. They note that with structured Saturn and dreamy Neptune both stationing retrograde, there will likely be an amplification of the themes associated with each; around the days of Saturn’s shift, we’re encouraged to prize time and not cut corners while when Neptune seemingly surfs backwards, going with the flow may be a prized strategy as will extolling the power of the water. They talk about the Gemini New Moon later in the month, and how with it connecting to Neptune, we may experience a tug-of-war between our mind and our emotions. They recap the ongoing Pluto volley between Capricorn and Aquarius and how this may influence our lives in the next two years. Stephanie picks a tarot card at random, the Knight of Pentacles, and Megan explains how this archetype is a wonderful reminder that it's often a step-by-step and slow-and-steady attitude that wins the day.

Stephanie Gailing