Astrology and Tarot for July 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for July, beginning with the retrograde phase of Venus, and the love planet’s extended stay in the sign of Leo. They discuss the themes and challenges that may arise, including the opportunity to revisit and reevaluate our relationships with ourselves, our sense of self-worth, what we value, and what we desire and expect from our partnerships. They talk about the Lunar Nodes are shifting from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra and what this may mean for the collective zeitgeist. They discuss the mid-month grand cross of the Sun, Pluto, and the Lunar Nodes and how this could inspire the need to plunge below the surface and release what has reached its expiration date. Stephanie chooses the tarot card for July at random--the King of Pentacles--and Megan explains how this tarot archetype can be a powerful mentor in helping us to stay grounded and empowered. 

Stephanie Gailing