Astrology and Tarot for September 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for September. They talk about how the month begins with an active Labor Day Weekend, as Venus Retrograde ends and Jupiter Retrograde begins. They reflect upon how with mid-month featuring both a Virgo New Moon and the completion of Mercury Retrograde, we may experience a burst of forward movement—in a discerning and precision-oriented Virgoan way—at that point. The talk about the seasonal shift that arises with the Autumnal Equinox and the beginning of Libra season. They also discuss the Full Moon in Aries and how it highlights the themes of relationship and the dance between self and others. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random, the Four of Swords, and Megan explains how this card encourages us to step back and be patient, giving us an opportunity to catch up with ourselves. 

Stephanie Gailing