Astrology and Tarot for October 2023

In this month's episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for October. They begin by discussing how October is an Eclipse Season, featuring both a Libra Solar Eclipse and a Taurus Lunar Eclipse, and the individual and collective invitation of each. They note that like with other eclipses, we may feel a sea change occurring, but that clarity about its impacts may not be revealed for several weeks afterwards. They talk about how with Pluto stationing direct early in the month, we’re also primed to pay attention to themes of power, control, the cycles of life, and the unveiling of what’s been hidden. They point to how this deeper, mysterious, and more sultry atmosphere may become even more potent after the third week of the month as the Sun and Mercury join Mars swimming through the emotional and passionate sign of Scorpio. Stephanie picks a tarot card at random, the Five of Pentacles, and Megan explains how this card of change can lead us to transformation if we're willing to let go and trust.

Stephanie Gailing