Dive Deep and Let Yourself Be Surprised
This week feels like a good time for a treasure hunt.
Think PokemonGo, but of your own inner world.
Mars in Scorpio
With Mars in its last week of Scorpio (finally, I can hear some of you saying), it's time to pull out all the stops endurance-wise to continue on our journey towards deep self-discovery.
While you may feel like you've spent a lot of time in the past months pulling back the carpet to see what's been hidden underneath—figuratively and perhaps literally—we've got a little bit more time to focus on "cleaning house," as Mars will leave Scorpio for Sagittarius on Tuesday, August 2.
Grab a flashlight, don your detective's hat, and go into those messy dark places; it could be a closet, it could be residue of a past relationship, or anything else that feels heavy, that requires marshaling of resilience, and which may have been a place avoided at all costs before owing to just feeling like you didn't want to deal with it.
Now of course, there are still places best left untouched, or places we're not ready to go. And yet, there are some that you may likely know are being called for you to pursue. These are the places that in your heart of hearts you may feel that a sense of freedom, a sense of joy, a sense of holism lives on the other side if you can just muster the endurance to push just a little further. These are the spots that you instinctively know that if you honestly, and strategically, and committedly purge the outworn, you will have found a key to a deep sense of regeneration, and freedom.
Consider what have you learned about yourself over the past several months, notably related to these realms:
* Your emotional resilience
* Your desires, and how you assert yourself to achieve your desires
* Why, where, and how you hide
* What galvanizes your suspicions and what you do when you feel suspicious
* The realms of your life you approach things from an all-or-nothing perspective
Make Mars in Scorpio your meditation for the week, really focusing upon what you've learned and what you can continue to assimilate about the lessons that have unfolded in these realms.
Uranus stationing retrograde
Not only will this elevate it in your consciousness—which feels quite beautiful given the opportunity to bring light to what's hidden. It will also have another benefit I believe, that of helping us move through the quick-change, didn't-see-it-coming potentials of this week given this Friday (July 29), do-it-a-different-way Uranus stations retrograde.
When a planet changes directions, what it represents is thought to be more pronounced in our lives, both personally and collectively. The planet of innovation, Uranus sparks our need to further find our unique sense of individuality. It inspires within us the urge to do things differently, to undertake a personal [r]evolution in order to experience evolution.
When Uranian energy is “loud”, as should be this week, expect the unexpected is a good mantra to follow. By using that as a framework, and knowing that some unanticipated events may occur—but that we just can’t yet anticipate what they will be—we can we reduce some of the potential anxiety that may come from surprises we didn’t even conceptualize would occur. Additionally, by keeping our attention open to the out-of-the-blue novelties that manifest, we may be more apt to perceive the value and lessons that they can offer us.
Connecting Mars in Scorpio and Uranus stationing
So this week is one where the hidden may emerge (Mars in Scorpio) and surprises may abound (Uranus).
It seems to me that if we take a more proactive approach to Mars in Scorpio, and continue on the inner world treasure hunt, we may be more apt to experience the strong Uranus energy in an easier and/or more constructive way. Being curious about what we will find along our path will itself help forge our connection to it and keep us from being as shocked as we otherwise could be. And if something catches us off guard, being conscious of our depth of feelings will give us more awareness so that we can be more emotionally responsible rather than just reacting, or acting out, or walling off in fear.
All this to say, it may be quite an intense week. And yet, after moving through Saturn in Scorpio and the Uranus/Pluto Square from 2012 to 2015 and the recent sojourn of Mars through Scorpio, likely we all have a different relationship with intensity, a greater resilience, more endurance, and perhaps even a greater first-hand knowledge that Nietchze was right when he said "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
Try to be flexible and fluid. Be aware that things may emerge that you didn't see coming. Be inclusive, inviting cast-off facets to the table. Decipher your desires. Be responsible in your actions. Feel deeply.
And give yourself the freedom to love, ever so richly and deeply.