Saturn/Pluto Conjunction: The SH*T is Real
For all the times I’ve spoken about how SH*T would be a strong theme for this year—owning your sh*t, calling out other’s sh*t, losing patience for accepting sh*t, a focus on our digestive health, etc.—owing to this year’s Saturn/Pluto Conjunction (be responsible for your sh*t) and Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction (big sh*t and learning through understanding it), I didn’t foresee how this would manifest so literally in people hoarding toilet paper and bidet sales increasing by 10-fold in just weeks.
Then again, no one (at least no one I knew—myself included) foresaw a virus pandemic and all the ways that it is shifting our lives. And while I’ve spoken time and time again about 2020 being a year of Radical Transformation, I didn’t see it manifesting like this.
And yet, looking through the lens of the astrology we can see how it aligns (finding bottom, not being able to hide from our mortality, masking and umasking, issues related to power and control, revealing of the underlying fragility of systems, etc.) and we can also see how it can give us a frame for it that allow us to move through it with more resilience (itself a very Plutonian invitation).
We’re digging deep, giving up what’s nonessential, and discovering what truly holds significance for us. That’s not to say that this is not all painful and scary—it is! In the coming days, I’ll share more about how this astrological frame may give us more understanding that can help buoy our spirits to come together to unearth ways to be with more stability in this time of instability.
Sending you all strength and love,