Self-Care = We-Care
We’re all in this together! Our personal well-being is intricately connected to the well-being of others, the well-being of our community, the well-being of the world. This is something that has always been true yet something that we may not have necessarily seen (or admitted)…but we’re getting stark awareness of this now: that our focus on personal health must not be to the exclusion of others but at the behest of the health of others.
If we are to survive/thrive, we must remember that we need to act not only for ourselves but for others and that their actions are inherent in our own surviving/thriving.
As such, social distancing and taking a home refuge (which I like better than the term "home isolation" for those who are still well) and not hoarding provisions and actively checking on our friends/family/neighbors and being kind to strangers are things that we must do not only in practicing “social compassion” (a term my friend @drbradlichtenstein used in a conversation we had yesterday, and which I love) but also because my health depends upon your health and your health depends upon mine.
Self-Care Equals We-Care + We-Care Equals Self-Care…as Saturn shifts into Aquarius where it will be for a good part of the next three years, I feel that we will gain a further understand and appreciation of this.
Take good care, beautiful ones.