Feeling a bit underwater? Inundated with a sense of unclarity? Bathing in a sea of emotions? Perceiving the world to be a sea of illusion, confusion and disillusionment?
This sense may be stronger these days given that energetics associated with Neptune-- boundary-blurring, permeability and sensitivity—is quite palpable given its stationing retrograde today.
This Sagittarius Full Moon ushers in a heightened emphasis on synthesis and deconstructing duality for a more unified and cohesive understanding. This celestial event may have us reflecting upon our educational path, our goals, our beliefs, and our spiritual pursuits.
With this Full Moon featuring the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel compelled with a need to know.
Read MoreCuriosity and wonder fill the air on the day of the Gemini Moon. It’s a day when learning and collecting information feels nurturing. And yet, in that pursuit it can seem as if our attention is pulled in a spectrum of directions, since there’s a heightened sense of “interesting” to the wide array of facts and figures we come across.
Like other New Moons, it’s a good day to set a goal for the coming four weeks, and given the presence of Gemini energy, it’s an auspicious time to begin gathering the information we’ll need to set this mission in motion.
Read MoreDuring the Scorpio Full Moon, we experience the juxtaposition of the practical (Taurus, the sign of the Sun) and the emotional (Scorpio, the sign of the Moon). The interplay between these two signs helps us to forge an awareness that what we see—what has form—is reliant upon that which is unseen but deeply felt.
Read More“Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.” - Wendell Berry
This feels like an apt reminder today as it being the last days for the Lunar Nodes being along the Virgo/Pisces axis, where they have been for the past 18 months. Tomorrow, on May 9, they switch into individual/collective axis of Leo/Aquarius.
Read MoreSince April 9, the planet Mercury has been retracing its steps…as have we.
During this Mercury Retrograde period, we've likely seen how going slow, taking pause, being reflective, and re-visiting territory already covered seemed to be not only the path of least resistance but also one that yielded a bounty of awareness.
Read MoreWhen the New Moon occurs in Taurus we have a great opportunity to look within and see what it is that brings us comfort and a greater sense of security. Taking the time to examine what activities and earthly delights yield pleasure can help you discover a sense of rootedness that can serve you well in the coming year.
Read MoreMercury is soldiering backward though Aries through May 3, when its latest retrograde cycle will complete.
With growth during Mercury Retrograde periods springing forth from retracing steps previously taken, we may find ourselves revisiting arenas encountered at an earlier moment.
Read MoreI love the interweaving of astrology and dreams, how astrology can help us better understand our dreams, while dreams can give us valuable insights that assist us in using our astrology chart to gain greater self-awareness.
As such, I was thrilled that Sara Coughlin at Refinery29 wrote a story--What Your Horoscope Can Tell You About Your Dreams--on this topic, and asked me for my perspectives.
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