Posts in astrology
Gemini Full Moon: Quests and Questionings

This Full Moon features the Sun in Sagittarius opposing the Moon in Gemini. And with this, we may feel ourselves caught in a push-pull between stepping back to gain perspective and focusing in on the facts that make up the whole picture. Striking a balance is important: Remember not to lose the forest for the trees, and yet don’t forsake the trees for the forest either, as both are equally important.

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ReThinking Our Aim: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

With Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius* the rest of the month, we’re in a rich time territory wherein we can learn to further sharpen our aim. Take the time to go slow and shift perspectives when you set your sights, seeing if you can hit the target in a way that more clearly aligns with what you believe and the visions you have for your life. Find new ways to make more space for yourself, broadening your horizons and seeking ways to feel a greater sense of expanse.

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Stellar Insights: November 5 – 11, 2018

I remember last year as I was looking at the astrological calendar for 2018, there was a week that really caught my attention. It featured two planets shifting signs, the Lunar Nodes moving into a new sign pair, and a New Moon. I was struck by this week given that it seemed like there was a lot of movement, a lot of shifting energy, and changing of the guard in the cosmic weather. 

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astrologyStephanie Gailing
Scorpio New Moon: Inviting in the Depths

New Moons signify a time for beginnings. When this celestial event occurs in Scorpio what we can initiate are the ways in which we can connect more deeply to our essential nature, finding the inherent resources that may reside in the inner sanctum of our hearts and minds. Scorpio represents that which is hidden, the unseen, the things that are kept in the dark, including our deepest emotions. When you say or feel “I don’t want to go there” what you are likely alluding to is often at least partially the realm of Scorpio.

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astrologyStephanie Gailing
So Divine! Podcast for November 2018

In the latest episode of our So Divine! podcast, Megan Skinner and I explore the astrological landscape for the month. We begin by focusing in on the week of the Scorpio New Moon when we also experience a pile-up of planetary shifts—including the Lunar Nodes, Uranus, and Jupiter moving into new signs.

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astrologyStephanie Gailing