Sound Therapy

Knowledge is power.... and a powerful self-care strategy-21.png

Taurus experiences the world through all the senses, including hearing the sounds, and feeling the vibrations, all around them. Therefore, healing practices that incorporate sound may be perfectly tuned to upleving our well-being during Taurus Season.

Techniques used by sound healers include special tuning forks applied to acupuncture points as well as Tibetan or crystal singing bowls. Another way to benefit from the healing power of sound is to participate in a sound bath, whether in person or online, where the facilitator uses the healing power of sound—through instruments, music, or their voice—to inspire very deep relaxation. If you’ve never experienced a sound bath, it can be a direct journey to bliss.

This reflection comes from the Taurus chapter in my new book, The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care. Available now through your favorite bookseller.

Stephanie Gailing