A Dreamy Urban Retreat: The Overnight at The Collective (March 30)

Remember when you were younger and you'd gather overnight and have a sleepover party, an evening filled with friends, fun, food, and the freedom that comes from just hanging out?

A few months ago, I was chatting with some wellness practitioner friends about this, reminiscing about our slumber party experiences, and thought: What if we designed modern sleepover retreats held at beautiful spots, and filled them with soul-enriching and wellness-inspiring activities?

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Stellar Insights: February 11 - 17, 2019

I didn’t wake up today and think “I’m going to write about the Mars/Uranus Conjunction that takes place this week and how it inspires us to break patterns and do things a different way. And therefore, I’m not going to write my weekly Stellar Insights until much later in the day then I usually do, since that seems to fit the astrological energies of doing things in an unexpected and non-usual manner.” It just sort of happened that way.

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Aquarius New Moon: We Are The World

During this New Moon in Aquarius we may find ourselves turning out attention from our personal lives to larger collective issues. Inherent within, there’s a knowingness that we are not separate, that a connection unites us to those we hear or read about around the globe.

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astrologyStephanie Gailing
Stellar Insights: January 21 - 27, 2019

Are you beginning to feel a greater sense of clarity about reflections, decisions, and pursuits that captured your attention last year, notably since May?

I ask this given that the Lunar Eclipse that just graced our skies has a synergistic relationship with many of 2018’s striking astrological happenings—Mars Retrograde, Venus Retrograde, and Uranus plodding in/out of Taurus.

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astrologyStephanie Gailing