Posts in astrology
Stellar Insights: April 29 - May 5, 2019

Trudging through an endless list of things to do? Welcome to the Saturn Station.

In astrology, Saturn governs limits and restrictions, and the rules that rule our consensus reality. Saturn reminds us that there is finitude: of time, of resources, and of life. It also encourages us to remember that we can architect things that have long lasting value, if we go slow, don’t cut corners, and focus on the essentiality of integrity.

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Stellar Insights: April 1 - 7, 2019

As the week begins we may find ourselves still feeling as if we’re swimming in a lane of liminality, with a veil of fogginess surrounding us. It may seem that honing in isn’t the key for dispersing haziness, that the more we try to only rely upon our rational minds, the more we may feel like we’re Alice meeting the White Rabbit, dealing with situations that seem to mix up and confuse what we perceive to be rationality. 

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Aries New Moon: Finding The Bravery to Begin

Since Aries and the New Moon both symbolize the ushering in of beginnings, this lunar event may have us feeling pulled towards initiating new things. For example, if you’re looking to kick off a diet or amp up your exercise regimen, the exuberance of palpable energy that the Aries New Moon affords may be a great motivator. Also, if you’ve wanted to tackle a problem but found yourself lacking in the moxie department, the Aries New Moon may give you an infusion of courage and daring that can help you persevere.

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Stellar Insights: March 18 - 24, 2019

As the week begins, we’re still floating in a sea where things feel dissolved and connected, where separation may feel like an illusion. This yielding may yield experiences that touch upon the magical and yet they can also yield feelings that touch on the overwhelming, as if we feel a moment away from the tides of emotions overtaking us. Find a way to keep your heart open and compassionate while also maintaining a steady state as you ride the waves of the ever-connected.

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Libra Full Moon: We, I + You

The Libra Full Moon calls upon us to integrate our desires with those of the people with whom we are in relationship. It can help us gain insight into whether our approach to accommodating our needs and those of others is a balanced one or whether the scale is tipped to one side. (For example, do we over accommodate others to the detriment of own needs, or vice versa?)

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