During a Scorpio New Moon, subjects considered to be taboo may rise to the surface. If your natural reflex is to turn a blind eye to these, allow yourself to contemplate them for a moment, even if at a distance. You may end up finding them a great source of learning; just understanding why it is that they cause aversion itself is a powerful lesson.
Read MoreUranus—the planet of chaos, change, freedom, and rebellion—has played a strong role in coloring the kairos (the zeitgeist) the last several years. It made a square alignment with unearth-the-hidden Pluto in 2012-2015 and since the end of 2016 has been dancing with both expansive Jupiter and make-it-real Saturn.
Regarding these latter two, the astrological alignments that have cast a strong background note have been the Jupiter/Uranus Opposition and Saturn/Uranus Trine. The dates of the exact Jupiter/Uranus Opposition were December 26 of 2016 and March 2 and September 27 of this year. The first two exact alignments of the Saturn/Uranus Trine were December 24 of 2016 and May 18. The last one is upcoming, tomorrow, on November 11.
Read MoreThis Full Moon features the Moon in Taurus, a sign very focused upon experiencing the world through the senses. When the Moon is in Taurus we’re oriented more towards what’s seen, touched, smelled, tasted and heard than on what’s perceived, or felt, to be there.
The Sun, of course is in the opposite sign, that of Scorpio. With the Sun in Scorpio, we’re oriented towards the passionate. Emotions run deep, and we are aware—perhaps to a large extent, or perhaps to a smaller one—that things exist below the surface. Just because something isn’t seen or said, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Read MoreEach year when the Sun is in Scorpio, we're called to dig down and find the depths that reside within us. It's a time where passions propel us and we dive into trying to better understand what we desire. Connecting to, and orienting from, the wealth of our emotions (even those we are surprised we have) may feel intense and overwhelming at points, yet simultaneously de rigueur, as if we just instinctively know that this is where a larger reservoir of our power and strength may reside. We're magnetized to mysteries, called to suss out secrets, and moved to wade through the muddy and mirky to discover hidden jewels that will help us find a deeper level of understanding.
Read MoreNew Moons are times of beginnings, opportunities to connect with all that is potential and plant seeds for the birth of that which we want to create. As this New Moon is in Libra, it’s a good time to survey our relationships and see how we may encourage them to flourish so that they can grace our lives even more. Using the image of the Scales—the symbol for Libra—as your guide, weigh and assess the value of your existing relationships, considering their strengths and weaknesses.
Read MoreWhat do I want in a relationship? What actions do I feel drawn to take so that I can further ensure that partnerships serve my best interests? What am I willing to fight for when it comes to deriving the highest value from my social and romantic connections?
These are some of the questions that may arise for us during the time of the Aries Full Moon.
Read MoreAbout every year, the planet Jupiter shifts into a new sign. From secrets to sexuality to shadows and more, find out the realms which may capture our attention in the coming year.
Read MoreDo things feel heavy? Did you go to sleep or awaken with a sense of darkness? Does it feel like something is wanting to burst forth, whether a stream of tears or fears, or rage of about pages of injustices that you just can’t turn your eyes from anymore?
If so, you’re likely not alone. After all, today Pluto, the planet that inspires us to touch-the-depths, shifts direct.
When the New Moon is in Virgo, we can initiate new pathways in our lives to craft systems that allow us to live from a place of greater refinement and organization. As Virgo is dedicated to helping and healing, we could also find that what is being initiated is a deeper level of understanding as to how we can be of service to others.
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